Diocese Coronavirus (COVID-19) Guidelines and Up-Dates
Covid-19 Statistical Updates
Avg. Positive Test Rate 4.61%
Infection Rate 1..37%
Up-dated 08/05/21
Community Vaccinations 35.3%
Avg. Positive Test Rate 4.61%
Infection Rate 1..37%
Up-dated 08/05/21
Community Vaccinations 35.3%
08/05/21 Covid-19 safe practice remain the same under Green Level. Wearing a mask and social distancing. In the Green Level St. Andrew's attendance for each service is increased from 25-30 to 50 worshipers. Bishop Hunn's recent weekly update regarding most recent Covid-19 update is available on the "Bishop's Weekly Update" page on this website.
04/24/21 Worship under Diocesan Covid-19 YELLOW cautions remain in effect. The clergy are scheduled to meet with Bishop Hunn this Tuesday.
04/21/21 Phase II Worship Under YELLOW ZONE
Chaves County has re-entered the YELLOW ZONE What does this mean for St. Andrew's? The pews may be reconfigured to provide additional seating. The number of worshipers accepted is 25 to 30. This number of worshiper may vary depending upon the size of each household unit attending.
Under DRG guidelines social distancing and mask/face covering remains essential. Whether you have been vaccinated or not. Remember, some worshipers have not been vaccinated, some have only received their first shot.
Churches remain listed among one of the top 10 places of risk where numerous households gather.
As a community of faith, we not only worship for our own spiritual needs and strength. We worship and pray for the health, safety, spiritual needs, and strength for and with others.
Continue to scroll down for most recent CDC recommendations.
"Grant us so to be joined together in unity of spirit..."
For Trust in God
O God, the source of all health: So fill [our] heart with faith in
your love, that with calm expectancy [we] may make room for
your power to possess [us], and gracefully accept your
healing; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Most recent recommendations from CDC
For now, if you’ve been fully vaccinated:
Center for Disease Control and Prevention
When You’ve Been Fully Vaccinated | CDC
Chaves County has re-entered the YELLOW ZONE What does this mean for St. Andrew's? The pews may be reconfigured to provide additional seating. The number of worshipers accepted is 25 to 30. This number of worshiper may vary depending upon the size of each household unit attending.
Under DRG guidelines social distancing and mask/face covering remains essential. Whether you have been vaccinated or not. Remember, some worshipers have not been vaccinated, some have only received their first shot.
Churches remain listed among one of the top 10 places of risk where numerous households gather.
As a community of faith, we not only worship for our own spiritual needs and strength. We worship and pray for the health, safety, spiritual needs, and strength for and with others.
Continue to scroll down for most recent CDC recommendations.
"Grant us so to be joined together in unity of spirit..."
For Trust in God
O God, the source of all health: So fill [our] heart with faith in
your love, that with calm expectancy [we] may make room for
your power to possess [us], and gracefully accept your
healing; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Most recent recommendations from CDC
For now, if you’ve been fully vaccinated:
- You should still take steps to protect yourself and others in many situations, like wearing a mask, staying at least 6 feet apart from others, and avoiding crowds and poorly ventilated spaces. Take these precautions whenever you are:
- In public
- Gathering with unvaccinated people from more than one other household
- Visiting with an unvaccinated person who is at increased risk of severe illness or death from COVID-19 or who lives with a person at increased risk
- You should still avoid medium or large-sized gatherings.
- You should still watch out for symptoms of COVID-19, especially if you’ve been around someone who is sick. If you have symptoms of COVID-19, you should get tested and stay home and away from others.
- You will still need to follow guidance at your workplace.
Center for Disease Control and Prevention
When You’ve Been Fully Vaccinated | CDC
03/13/21 Phase In Toward In-Person Worship
It is reassuring to see the number of new Covid-19 cases and Positive Test Rates decrease in Chaves County over the past two-weeks reporting cycles from the New Mexico Health Department this past Wednesday (March 10, 2021).
In consultation with the Vestry and following a re-review of Phase II careful practices regarding limited in-person worship. The resolve is to resume Phase II (limited in-person worship with caution) on Sunday, March 21. Service will return to the previous Phase II schedule of 8:00 am and 10:00 am with Facebook Livestreaming continuing at the 10 am service.
Recent CDC proposals for those who have received both vaccine shots allow the gathering of two low risk households. Churches remain listed among one of the top 10 places of risk where numerous households gather.
If you are experiencing flu or cold type symptoms such as fever or chills please take advantage of livestream worship staying at home.
Attending Service:
Service Reminders:
As previous Phase II worship, the goal is to take the necessary precautions to establish a safe worshiping space as possible.
It is reassuring to see the number of new Covid-19 cases and Positive Test Rates decrease in Chaves County over the past two-weeks reporting cycles from the New Mexico Health Department this past Wednesday (March 10, 2021).
In consultation with the Vestry and following a re-review of Phase II careful practices regarding limited in-person worship. The resolve is to resume Phase II (limited in-person worship with caution) on Sunday, March 21. Service will return to the previous Phase II schedule of 8:00 am and 10:00 am with Facebook Livestreaming continuing at the 10 am service.
Recent CDC proposals for those who have received both vaccine shots allow the gathering of two low risk households. Churches remain listed among one of the top 10 places of risk where numerous households gather.
If you are experiencing flu or cold type symptoms such as fever or chills please take advantage of livestream worship staying at home.
Attending Service:
- Attendance will be limited to 25-30 worshipers.
- Masks and social distancing required.
- Masks are available at the door if worshiper came without a mask.
- Protective gloves and individual sealed handwipes are available.
- Worshipers are required to sign-in. Signing in provides contact information in case exposure is identified.
- Hand sanitizer is available in the Narthex as you enter.
- One in three pews is available for seating to provide 6ft distancing between pews. Seating per pew is measured by households.
- Communion will be brought to worshipers in the pews using an intinction paten.
Service Reminders:
- No congregational singing.
- Depending on length of readings number of readings may vary. The Gospel is required for Communion.
- Following service please greet one another (fellowship) outside on the driveway. Social distancing is still in order.
As previous Phase II worship, the goal is to take the necessary precautions to establish a safe worshiping space as possible.
03/10/21 The NMDH’s up-date. Although Chaves County remains in the Yellow Zone the County has shown a continuation in it’s decline during the 14 day Red to Green dashboard The Positive Test Rate has declined from 3.22% to 2.37%. The average number of new cases over the same period has declined from 11.8 to 9.1.
Chaves County’s Average New Cases extends the Yellow Zone rating. This is likely due to 3 days of new cases during the reporting period in the double-digit range, respectively 19, 10 and 14.
Please be patient as to decision regarding a return to limited in-person worship.
Chaves County’s Average New Cases extends the Yellow Zone rating. This is likely due to 3 days of new cases during the reporting period in the double-digit range, respectively 19, 10 and 14.
Please be patient as to decision regarding a return to limited in-person worship.
Diocese of the Rio Grande Phased Reopening Quick Chart for New Mexico
Phased Reopening Quick Chart | |
File Size: | 62 kb |
File Type: |
NM Health Department Red to Turquoise Chart
NM Covid Red to Green Chart 03/10/2 | |
File Size: | 166 kb |
File Type: | png |
03/10/21 The New Mexico Health Department is scheduled to release the 14 day up-date this afternoon. This normally takes place after 5 pm. The hope is the daily trends will move Chaves county near or into the Green Zone. An email will be sent to the Vestry following the NMHD's up-date as to phasing in limited in-person worship. Following present Diocesan protocol the return to worship is structured under Diocesan Phase II guidelines, masks, social distance, signing in, and 25% of seating capacity. Watch for up-date through Constant Contact, Facebook, and this website later today or tomorrow following the Health Department's up-date.
03/08/2021: Adhering to Diocesan procedures the service this Sunday continues by livestream only. New Covid-19 cases and Positive Test Rates continue to be monitored daily. Following a significant decline of both from the last New Mexico Health Department report between February 10 to February 24, daily reporting indicates a leveling of both reporting statistics. Please be mindful past statistical cycles suggest a rise of newly reported cases and Positive Test Rates following a flattened cycle. Please continue to check your weekly Constant Contact, Facebook posting, and St. Andrew’s website www.standrewsroswell.com for updates. See Diocesan Quick Chart PDF below.
Parish Update:
December 17, 2020
At December’s Vestry meeting discussion regarding options available in considering an Annual Parish Meeting in January is clearly questionable. Bishop Hunn recently informed clergy the DRG Canons state Annual Parish Meetings must occur “annually”. Therefore, parishes may delay actions needful of a quorum. Considering, much of what takes place at the Annual Parish Meeting is fellowship and informational, reports and can be distributed through various means (hard copy, email, website, etc.).
Taking into consideration several members do not have access or reliable access and/or skill for electronic meetings and voting abilities, in addition to the vulnerability of our membership makes a rightful voting process questionable. Consequently, the vestry voted to suspend or delay the Annual Parish Meeting (normally held in January) until a time when we can gather in person/Phase III. As time moves forward, your vestry will be updated as to Positive Test Rates, and in hope that in person worship and/or gatherings may resume. In the meantime, the Vestry may explore other viable processes along with diocesan recommendations and alternatives.
I give thanks to God for the many safety measures at St. Andrew’s which has contributed to averting the spread of Covid-19 among our community. I also give thanks for the leadership of our Bishop and your vestry for the same.
God’s blessings of a peaceful and safe 2021.
Fr. Dale+
Updated Diocesan Guidelines
December 2, 2020
If you are in the State of New Mexico
If your New Mexico county is in Red it is not safe to open for public worship. Office activity is limited to essential business operations. (See additional details below.)
If your New Mexico county is in Yellow, we strongly recommend that you remain closed to public worship. Your office may remain open according to your phase II workbook. (See additional details below.)
For New Mexico counties in Red: (DRG Phase I)
Worship: It is unsafe to hold in-person worship, and congregations are limited to digital services. Non-contact and Drive-Up/Drive-Thru delivery of the sacrament are permitted. In person teams for recording/streaming services should not exceed 5 people. Masking and social distancing requirements must be maintained at all times.
Business Operations: Office staff and volunteers are limited to only those necessary for essential business operations. Contact between individuals must be kept to a minimum. Masks and social distancing requirements must be maintained in all common areas.
For New Mexico counties in Yellow: (DRG Phase II- Extra Caution Needed)
Worship: The Bishop's Office strongly recommends that all congregations in counties in yellow continue exclusively streaming services, and continuing with non-contact or drive-up/drive-thru delivery. Our “strong recommendation” means that all Rectors and Vicars should contact their Vestries or Bishop's Committees immediately and have a conversation as to whether in-person worship is safe or appropriate at this time- taking into consideration the risk profile of your congregants, your ability to hold outdoor services, your ability to fully abide by your phase II workbook, and the comfort level of officiating clergy in those services.
Business Operations: Office staff and volunteers may be present in accordance with the congregation's most recently approved Phase II reopening workbook. Contact between individuals should be kept to a minimum. Masks and social distancing requirements must be maintained in all common areas.
For New Mexico counties in Green: (Phase II)
Worship: Congregations may reopen according to their most recently approved Phase II workbook at no more than 50% of their capacity as indicated by the Fire-Marshall.
Business Operations: Office staff and volunteers may be present in accordance with the congregation's most recently approved Phase II reopening workbook.
For any additional questions please contact The Rev. Canon Lee Curtis at [email protected] or at 321-501-9939.
Mary Jewell
Executive Secretary to the Bishop
Bishop's Liaison to Camp Stoney
Diocese of the Rio Grande
505-881-0636, ext. 102
Please Note: My regular work week has shifted to Tuesday to Saturday. If you are contacting me on a Sunday or Monday, my first opportunity to respond may not be until Tuesday morning.
December 17, 2020
At December’s Vestry meeting discussion regarding options available in considering an Annual Parish Meeting in January is clearly questionable. Bishop Hunn recently informed clergy the DRG Canons state Annual Parish Meetings must occur “annually”. Therefore, parishes may delay actions needful of a quorum. Considering, much of what takes place at the Annual Parish Meeting is fellowship and informational, reports and can be distributed through various means (hard copy, email, website, etc.).
Taking into consideration several members do not have access or reliable access and/or skill for electronic meetings and voting abilities, in addition to the vulnerability of our membership makes a rightful voting process questionable. Consequently, the vestry voted to suspend or delay the Annual Parish Meeting (normally held in January) until a time when we can gather in person/Phase III. As time moves forward, your vestry will be updated as to Positive Test Rates, and in hope that in person worship and/or gatherings may resume. In the meantime, the Vestry may explore other viable processes along with diocesan recommendations and alternatives.
I give thanks to God for the many safety measures at St. Andrew’s which has contributed to averting the spread of Covid-19 among our community. I also give thanks for the leadership of our Bishop and your vestry for the same.
God’s blessings of a peaceful and safe 2021.
Fr. Dale+
Updated Diocesan Guidelines
December 2, 2020
If you are in the State of New Mexico
If your New Mexico county is in Red it is not safe to open for public worship. Office activity is limited to essential business operations. (See additional details below.)
If your New Mexico county is in Yellow, we strongly recommend that you remain closed to public worship. Your office may remain open according to your phase II workbook. (See additional details below.)
For New Mexico counties in Red: (DRG Phase I)
Worship: It is unsafe to hold in-person worship, and congregations are limited to digital services. Non-contact and Drive-Up/Drive-Thru delivery of the sacrament are permitted. In person teams for recording/streaming services should not exceed 5 people. Masking and social distancing requirements must be maintained at all times.
Business Operations: Office staff and volunteers are limited to only those necessary for essential business operations. Contact between individuals must be kept to a minimum. Masks and social distancing requirements must be maintained in all common areas.
For New Mexico counties in Yellow: (DRG Phase II- Extra Caution Needed)
Worship: The Bishop's Office strongly recommends that all congregations in counties in yellow continue exclusively streaming services, and continuing with non-contact or drive-up/drive-thru delivery. Our “strong recommendation” means that all Rectors and Vicars should contact their Vestries or Bishop's Committees immediately and have a conversation as to whether in-person worship is safe or appropriate at this time- taking into consideration the risk profile of your congregants, your ability to hold outdoor services, your ability to fully abide by your phase II workbook, and the comfort level of officiating clergy in those services.
Business Operations: Office staff and volunteers may be present in accordance with the congregation's most recently approved Phase II reopening workbook. Contact between individuals should be kept to a minimum. Masks and social distancing requirements must be maintained in all common areas.
For New Mexico counties in Green: (Phase II)
Worship: Congregations may reopen according to their most recently approved Phase II workbook at no more than 50% of their capacity as indicated by the Fire-Marshall.
Business Operations: Office staff and volunteers may be present in accordance with the congregation's most recently approved Phase II reopening workbook.
For any additional questions please contact The Rev. Canon Lee Curtis at [email protected] or at 321-501-9939.
Mary Jewell
Executive Secretary to the Bishop
Bishop's Liaison to Camp Stoney
Diocese of the Rio Grande
505-881-0636, ext. 102
Please Note: My regular work week has shifted to Tuesday to Saturday. If you are contacting me on a Sunday or Monday, my first opportunity to respond may not be until Tuesday morning.